6 weeks - 15 months
Our infants are on an individual schedule which
allows for each child to stay on the same schedule that they are accustomed to at home. Emphasis is placed on stimulation and love, meeting each child's needs and the needs of each parent. Our
teachers provide a variety of activities that strengthen our infants' muscles and coordination abilities as they grow and develop.
Ratio 1:4
15 months to 2 years
Our toddler program allows for each child to explore the environment through hands-on experiences. Emphasis is placed on exploration of things around us,
people in our life, and about oneself. Social skills play a major part in each day as we learn to interact with other children in small and large group
Ratio 1:5
2 Year Olds
2 years to 3 years and potty trained
Our 2 year old program is a continuation of our toddler program emphasizing exploration and social skills such as sharing, playing together and communicating
with others. Pre-academic skills are introduced in the program (i.e. shapes, body parts, counting to 10, singing out ABC's). Group activities are introduced on a regular basis as their attention span
increases. Art, story time and music becomes part of the daily routine.
Ratio 1:8